Applied analysis: Continuous models, such as Partial differential equations (PDEs), especially nonlinear coupled PDE systems of higher order, calculus of variations, Helfrich- and Cahn-Hilliard theory, geometric PDEs
Mathematical modeling: Biomechanical and biochemical modeling, energy based models, Gradient flow, multiscale models (combining continuous models with dissipative particle dynamics (DPD)), elasticity theory, continuum mechanics: Viscoelastic and hyperelastic models, fluid-structure interactions
Numerics/Simulation tools: Parametric Finite element methods (FEM) using Gascoigne 3D
Biostatistics: statistical ecology, non-parametric methods
Biomembranes: Chemical and mechanical pattern formation in lipid bilayers with associated membrane proteins
Biotissues: Pattern formation and shape generation in biological tissues with morphogens
ESCRT: Bud formation and cargo-sorting induced by molecules belongin to the "endosomal sorting complex required for transport" (ESCRT) family.
Hydra: Early pattern formation and axis defining processes in the freshwater polyp Hydra
Hydroids: Mecanical aspects of growth-pulsations in different hydroids
Ecology: population development and interaction fusing biostatistics with mathematival modeling