2016 Establishment of the biostatistical consulting office BIONUM
Since Nov '12: Postdoctoral position at University of Heidelberg in the group of Prof. Dr. Anna Marciniak-Czochra (biomathematical research)
2012-2013: Warden and birdwatcher on Trischen island for the NABU Schleswig Holstein (applied ecology)
2012: Interdisciplinary Ph.D. thesis (biomathematics)
Grade: Summa cum laude
2009-2012: Research associate of the WIN-project (Heidelberger
Akademie der Wissenschaften, biomathematics)
(supervisor: Pr. Dr. Anna Marciniak-Czochra)
2008-2012: Ph.D. student of the ViroQuant-Project (biomathematics)
(supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult W. Jäger)
2011: Diploma in mathematics in Heidelberg
(Graduate mathematician, supervisor:
Prof. Dr. Dr. hc. mult W. Jäger)
Grade: Excellent
2006-2011: Studies in mathematics at the University in Heidelberg
2006: Diploma in biology in Kiel
(Graduate Biologist, supervisor: Prof. Dr. F. Kempken)
Grade: Excellent
2000-2006: Studies in biology at the University Kiel
1999-2000: Civilian service as a birdwatcher on the island Juist
1999: Abitur at Freie Waldorfschule Oldenburg
(A-Levels High School Certificate)